A new HR framework

that welcomes collective intelligence

and enables

new paradigms

The added value of BeeTeal’s contributions


Two aspects are considered:

  • Structure“Hard HR”: We propose structuring tools and processes.
  • Emotions“Soft HR”: We consider the needs and prevailing emotions in the organisation


  • Each HR process is linked to the others and forms a coherent whole
  • Our interventions are tailor-made, take into account the existing situation and build on it.
  • Whenever possible, we design our interventions together to get as close as possible to your needs, your reality and your culture.


  • We advocate the use of powerful, effective HR tools and mechanisms that are not overly complex to ensure sustainability.
  • Great attention is paid to the foundations of HR so that they can withstand any future management options or cultural specificities of the organisation.
  • Developments are usually worked out together to ensure buy-in of both management and staff.

Our raison d’être


Developing organisations “that have a soul and a purpose and where people can fulfil their vocation and mission in life”

Developing and sustaining an environment that enables people to express their vocation and full talent in a fulfilling and serene climate for the benefit of the organisation’s performance and sustainability



and authenticity




and respect

BeeTeal… and its director!

How can structure and softness, competence and openness be combined? A question that seems insoluble and yet to which we at BeeTeal have an answer! That is why we are even recommended!

Thank you to Béatrice Meulders’ atypical career, you have access to the best of both worlds. That of legal rigour and holistic support. You benefit from unique advice that combines 20 years of experience and training. She started her career at the Brussels Bar as a lawyer and then specialised in the creation, development and management of human resources departments. Throughout her career, she has worked in NGOs, private and semi-public companies and in many sectors. Through her various positions and assignments, she has developed a deep understanding of the mechanisms that govern human behaviour in organisations, always maintaining a very structured framework of thinking.

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Why the name “BeeTeal”?



“Bee” is the bee that forages and pollinates the flowers so that they can continue their cycle of development. The symbol of a being that feeds itself while being an essential element in the development of our humanity.


Bea is the nickname I received in the United States, during my year of High School. Some relatives still call me that today.


“Teal” is the convergence between:

  • Green, which symbolises growth in connection with nature and balance, a colour that conveys a vibration of renewal, openness to the new, transformation and gentle change, and
  • Blue, which in Feng Shui symbolises the hue of depth, soul and knowledge, life experience and wisdom

The tones of Teal are the ones I spontaneously use most often in my oil paintings.

The colour teal is the colour given by Ken Wilber to the evolving level of consciousness. At this level of consciousness “the world is seen as a place where we are called to discover our true selves and travel there to unfold our unique potential and release our birth gifts. It is like a Copernican revolution in an age that tells us that we must strive for success, that we can become anything we want if we only think about it. People who adopt a Teal perspective learn to let go of preconceived notions of what they should be and learn to listen and go where life calls them” (Frédéric Laloux).

Teal organisations is the name Frédéric Laloux has given to organisations that work according to this worldview and the resulting paradigms. In French they are also called “liberated organisations”, after the books by Isaac Getz.



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